News — Hauntings

Tips from Teresa - Using Your Psychic Abilities in a Paranormal Investigation

Hauntings Investigations Paranormal Teresa Carol

Tips from Teresa - Using Your Psychic Abilities in a Paranormal Investigation

      All Psychic Investigation needs to be approached from a scientific perspective. Keep it as professional as possible. As, Joe Friday in the series Dragnet would say, “The facts Ma’am, only the facts.”      When doing a paranormal investigation I highly recommend that those choosing to read the situation come in with little or no information. It is important to realize the Conscious-Mind has a tendency to want to validate and therefore can lose its objectivity.  More than once, I have seen those using their spiritual gifts bend the fact to confirm an existing theory and then later realize their...

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Why Do Readers Like to be Scared?

A. M. Crane Best Books Hauntings Reader's Favorites

Why Do Readers Like to be Scared?

The experience is one many of us seek over and over again...through books and film. It's about control. In truth, we control nothing, which makes us all vulnerable to hauntings and things that happen in the afterlife 

Why? Because we thrive on fear. 

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